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Me Made Mittwoch

#fashionrevolutionday with top "Berlin" from La Maison Victor (en)

I make my clothes! © GriseldaK 2016
I make my clothes! © GriseldaK 2016

Today is #fashionrevolutionday!

This is in any case also a good date to present self-sewn clothes.

By the way, I didn't get into self-sewing because of the Rana Plaza collapse exactly three years ago when those poor workers in Bangladesh lost their lives or were injured. If anything, this horrific event encouraged me to sew even more clothes myself.
I actually got into sewing because I couldn't afford the quality I would have liked to buy.
I admit that I used to shop often and with pleasure in the relevant fast fashion stores, but at some point there came a time when I left the store more and more often disappointed by the quality of the fabric, indeed mainly by the quality of the fabrics, without buying anything. Of course, there were other reasons, such as colors, cuts, sizes. From a certain age, the selection is unfortunately no longer so large.
I went then more often in second-hand stores, where there were some treasures to lift. But there it was rather luck when I found something I liked in my size.

Frustration set in. A whole closet full of nothing to wear?

I just didn't want to buy the cheap stuff. Something had to be different. Luckily, my mother had no more use for her sewing machine and fabric stash and handed it over to me.

This is where my personal fashion revolution began.

Very hesitantly, by the way, but sewing soon became a passion. Fueled by the realization that it also gave me a new freedom in choosing what to wear. I could now choose the cuts, fabrics and fit myself and combine everything the way I wanted! Total punk! Regardless of what was offered in the stores. Madness!

The interesting side effect: I didn't even want to go shopping for clothes afterwards! It's no fun anyway when you have to wait for hours for a free fitting room. Or the packages from the online order end up at the neighbor's who works the night shift, or at the post office, which is already closed when you get home from work. So there were several advantages to tailoring your own clothes.

When I ever get lost in such a fashion hell or make a pilgrimage for nostalgic reasons, I often think while feeling up and looking at the clothes on the rack that I could also sew that myself. LOL. Since I am unfortunately not yet the super sewing virtuoso, I sometimes have to buy something. Since I have now become very picky and I try to buy sustainably. Means in my case mainly, how long will I wear the purchased garment? Things that I really like, I wear sometimes until they fall off my body. And after that you can still conjure up something new from the old companions.

I would also like to sew a lot more from fabrics that are produced fairly and sustainably, but I can only afford that sporadically at the moment. Luckily, there are lovely people who know about my passion for sewing and give me a bag full of fabric every now and then! I am very grateful for that and my dressers are well stocked.

Of course, since I've been sewing, I've developed a much greater appreciation for making garments. There I can not with a clear conscience buy a new pair of pants for 9 €. There I ask myself #whomademyclothes and what she or he still earned on it?


However, the corduroy pants that I wear in the picture above has not cost much more and it was not used! I would like to confess that here.

But I needed one quickly and I totally loved it. And I know that I will wear them until they fall off my body!
That is with me and corduroy pants always so ;-)!

Now I'm back to my clothes and finally want to show you more pictures of my new self-made spring outfit.

Did anyone actually read the text? You just want to see pictures?
 ;-) That's okay. I don't always read all the text either. Sorry! Has become quite long...but now finally photos of the

TOP "Berlin" from La Maison Victor issue 2/2016:


Top Berlin, from above, submarine cutout © GriseldaK 2016
Top Berlin, from above, submarine cutout © GriseldaK 2016
Top Berlin with 3/4 sleeves © GriseldaK 2016
Top Berlin with 3/4 sleeves © GriseldaK 2016
Top Berlin with submarine neckline silk © GriseldaK 2016
Top Berlin with submarine neckline silk © GriseldaK 2016
Top Berlin from La Maison Victor 2/2016 © GriseldaK 2016
Top Berlin from La Maison Victor 2/2016 © GriseldaK 2016
Top Berlin with storm hairstyle :-) © GriseldaK 2016
Top Berlin with storm hairstyle :-) © GriseldaK 2016

What? You're still reading here? Man, I think that's wonderful! Or do you only read from here on? Also good. I can understand. No problem.

I'm going to put some facts on the table:

This blouse pattern is the first one I sewed from a La Maison Victor booklet. I liked the casual elegant drape and that I didn't have to sew buttonholes.

The cut sheet is a lot clearer than that of my beloved Burdastyle cuts. Already good.

The instructions are not difficult to understand and richly illustrated. Still, I was kind of on the fence when making the scoop neckline. A typical sewing blockade. At some point it helped that I said to myself, "Then it will just be a test piece!" and I got going.

I hardly spent any money on the fabrics. The light blue one I think is viscose, which has a metallic shimmer to it. I got it as a gift. Many thanks at this point to Mrs. Weber! And the flowery silk fabric is from a remnant bag that cost 5 €.

The cut is the same in the front as in the back. So I can wear both sides of the blouse in the front or in the back.

Unfortunately, I reinforced the silk fabric with a too stiff fleece line (I didn't have anything more suitable), so that the neckline bends a bit, especially at the shoulders. This disturbs the beautiful flowing case.

Otherwise, I really like the look of the blouse. And I was pleased that I had two fabrics in my stash, which fit so well together.

Now it just needs to get warmer, then I'll wear it more often!

What is your personal fashion revolution?
And one more question remains open:


#whomademyclothes © GriseldaK 2016
#whomademyclothes © GriseldaK 2016

Happy Sunny Sewing,

Griselda K

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